BIBB definitions of occupational fields

BIBB definitions of occupational fields

The BIBB definitions of occupational fields summarises occupational orders with similar occupational tasks distinguishing 54 occupational fields (cf. Tiemann et al. 2008: 6).

Origin/Creator: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Method/Structure: The data basis of the classification is the microcensus 2004. The occupational groups of the KldB 92 with the same occupational task focus are further grouped. If an occupational classification does not correspond to the task focus of the occupational groups, it is regrouped unless the industry focus corresponds to that of the occupational groups. Furthermore, a distinction is made in the occupational fields between the public and private sector (based on the WZ03) (cf. Tiemann et al. 2008: 6).
Development/implementation for Germany: Revision and adjustment to the KldB 2010 (cf. Tiemann 2018)

BIBB definitions of occupational fields

Fundamental literature: Tiemann, Michael (2018): Die Berufsfelder des BIBB – Überarbeitung und Anpassung an die KldB 2010 Wissenschaftliches Diskussionspapier. Schriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung, Heft 190.

Tiemann, Michael, Schade, Hans Joachim, Helmrich, Robert, Hall, Anja, Braun, Uta, Bott, Peter (2008): Berufsfeld-Definitionen des BIBB. Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung: Bonn.