The English version of the BIBB-FDZ Metadata Portal does not contain all content yet. We are currently working on translating and publishing more information. For this reason, please also visit the German version of the BIBB-FDZ Metadata Portal.
The BIBB-FDZ Metadata Catalogue is part of the Research Data Centre at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB-FDZ). The BIBB-FDZ provides researchers with standardised access to BIBB data sets.
The data sets are described with the following contents:
The data sets are described with the following contents:
- General: central characteristics, citing information, test data
- Additional variables: full text variables, regional identifiers and special variables
- Documents: questionnaires, method and field reports and scientific publications with the data
- Classifications with 'do-files/syntaxes'
The research datasets are differentiated according to individual-level data- and firm-level data.
The BIBB-FDZ has sorted the classifications according to four topics:
The BIBB-FDZ has sorted the classifications according to four topics:
- Occupations: KldB, ISCO, EGP...
- Sociodemographics: CASMIN, ISCED...
- Industries: WZ, NACE, ISIC...
- Regions: NUTS, spatial planning regions...
For each classification we provide descriptions, documents and information on the research data sets including it.
For information on access to the research data please visit our website BIBB-FDZ website.