Employment agency districts

Employment agency districts

The employment agency districts (AA) are part of the regional structure of the Federal Employment Agency. There are currently - as of 2024 – 150 employment agency districts.

Origin/Creator: Federal Employment Agency
Method/Structure: According to the 2012 territorial status, the employment agency districts are largely cut along district lines. By adapting the agency districts to the district boundaries, the federal employment agency is primarily pursuing the goal of creating better framework conditions for cooperation with local labour market stakeholders. However, the new agency districts represent an administrative - not a functional-spatial - territorial grid. (Hirschenauer 2013
Development/implementation for Germany: The new demarcation of the employment agency districts took place in three waves: on 1 July 2012, on 1 October 2012 and on 1 January 2013.
This new demarcation resulted in mergers and the establishment of entire agencies. Furthermore, parts of agencies were reallocated. As a result, the number of employment agency districts has fallen from 178 to 156. According to the current there are still 150 employment agency districts (Federal Employment Agency, (Statistics 2024)
The district-based territorial delimitation means that each agency area comprises exactly one district or several districts. Exceptions are the state of Berlin, which still has three agencies. (Hirschenauer 2013)

Employment agency districts

Fundamental literature: Federal Employment Agency, statistics: Gebietsstruktur der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Stand 23.09.2024)

Federal Employment Agency, statistics (2024): BA-Gebietsstruktur: Zuordnung der Geschäftsstellen zu Agenturen für Arbeit (Stand 23.09.2024)

Further literature: Hirschenauer, Franziska (2013): Integrationserfolge hängen von regionalen Gegebenheiten ab. IAB Kurzbericht 05/2013.