BA/BIBB-Applicants survey 2021
BA/BIBB-Applicants survey 2021
The BA/BIBB Applicant Survey is a representative, written-postal, random sample survey of young people who were registered as training place applicants with the Vocational Guidance Service of the Federal Employment Agency.
Project page
Scientific Use File (SUF) for scientific evaluation, additional variables (full texts, more detailed regional information and occupational classifications) via controlled Remote Data Access (RDA)
Eberhard, Verena; Christ, Alexander; Gei, Julia; Heinecke, Marcel; Keßler, Catie (2024): BA/BIBB-Applicants survey 2021. SUF_1.0; Research Data Center at BIBB (ed./data access); Bonn: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.doi:10.7803/313.
Search and application processes, school prerequisites, transition into dual vocational training, retention after school, flight and migration, desire for training, non-selection of training occupations
BA/BIBB-Applicants survey 2021
BA/BIBB-Applicants survey 2021
No data available.BA/BIBB-Applicants survey 2021
No data available.