International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2011)

International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2011)

The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2011) is an internationally recognised UNESCO classification (OECD 2015: 3) that serves as a framework for categorising educational programmes and qualifications (UNESCO 2012: 6). It enables a cross-national comparison of education-related information from national education systems that differ in structure and content (UNESCO 2012: iii).

Origin/Creator: UNESCO
Method/Structure: The ISCED-2011 provides two three-digit code plans: one for educational qualifications (ISCED-A) and one for educational programmes (ISCED-P). In the following, the classification of educational qualifications (ISCED-A) is presented first and foremost. An educational qualification is the official confirmation of the successful completion of an educational programme or stage (UNESCO 2012: 82).

The first digit of the code refers to the level of an educational qualification. The levels reflect the degree of content complexity and specialisation (UNESCO 2012: 13).

The following levels are distinguished:
0 –Early childhood education
1 – Primary education
2 – Lower secondary education
3 – Upper secondary education
4 – Post-secondary non-tertiary education
5 – Short-cycle tertiary education
6 – Bachelor’s or equivalent level
7 – Master’s or equivalent level
8 – Doctoral or equivalent level
9 - Not elsewhere classified
(UNESCO 2012: 21f)

The second digit refers to the orientation of a qualification degree. The orientation refers to the task for which an educational programme prepares.

The digits 1-3 have the following meanings: "Never participated in an educationalprogramme" (1), "some early childhood education" (2), "some primary education (without ISCED level 1 qualification" (3). This distinction is only relevant for ISCED level 0.

The most important distinction is between general /academic qualifications (4) and vocational/vocationally-oriented qualifications (5). General /academic programmes improve general knowledge or provide knowledge and skills that prepare for programmes at higher ISCED levels (Schneider 2013: 370 and UNESCO 2012: 80ff). Vocational/ vocationally-oriented programmes prepare for specific occupations and occupational groups and lead to qualifications relevant to the labour market. This distinction must be made for ISCED levels 2-5 qualifications (UNESCO 2012: 21) and can also be made for qualifications at higher levels (UNESCO 2012: 14). For qualifications at ISCED levels 5-8, "orientation unspecified" (6) can also be indicated (UNESCO 2012: 21 and Schneider 2013: 372). The digit (9) stands for "not elsewhere classified".

The third digit of the code indicates whether a level is completed and whether access to a higher ISCED level is gained. An incomplete ISCED level without access to higher ISCED levels is indicated by the digit 2. If a level is completed, 3 (without access to higher ISCED levels) and 4 (with access) apply. For ISCED level 3, "higher level" refers to educational programmes at levels 5-7 (UNESCO 2012: 22). This distinction is primarily relevant for ISCED levels 2-4. Qualifications at other levels are coded as "not further defined" (0).

For example, ISCED-A code 244 refers to a qualification in the area of lower secondary education (2), with a general education focus (4), which completes the level and provides access to programmes at higher levels (4).
Development/implementation for Germany: The ISCED-2011 follows the previous versions of 1976 and 1997. This version continues the trend towards differentiation in the presentation of the tertiary education sector, which now presents in four levels (5-8) instead of two as before (UNESCO 2012: 63). Changes in ISCED requirements for led to a differentiation of ISCED levels for programmes and qualifications (Schneider 2013: 367). The improvement makes it possible to assign educational programmes to a level even if they only partially complete it, i.e. if their successful completion does not automatically entail a qualification at the corresponding ISCED level (Schneider 2013: 371). One difference to the 1997 version is the improved standardisation through the three-digit code scheme (Schneider 2012: 373).

German qualifications can be coded as follows:
100 - no vocational qualification
244 - lower secondary school-leaving certificate or intermediate school-leaving certificate
253 - Vocational internship/prevocational training year | without lower secondary school leaving certificate
344 - Higher education entrance qualification| without vocational qualification
353 - School of health care (short course of education)/intermediate service (public service)
354 - Apprenticeship training/vocational school leaving certificate | without higher education entrance qualification
453 - School for health and social professions (2-3 years) | without higher education entrance qualification
454 - Fachhochschulreife FHR/Hochschulreife | with vocational qualification
550 - Master craftsman training (preparatory courses less than 880 hours)
640 - Bachelor's degree /vocational academy
650 - Technician training/master craftsman training (preparatory courses over 880 hours)
740 - Master's degree/university degree
840 - Doctorate
(cf. Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder 2015: 74).

International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2011)

Fundamental literature: Bohlinger, Sandra (2012): Internationale Standardklassifikationen im Bildungswesen. In: BWP, 4 (2012).

OECD (2015): ISCED 2011 Operational Manual: Guidelines for classifying national education programmes and related qualifications. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Schneider, Silke L. (2013): The International Standard Classification of Education 2011. Comparative Social Research, 30, 365-379.

Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder (2015): Internationale Bildungsindikatoren im Ländervergleich. Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder, Wiesbaden.

UNESCO (2012): International Standard Classification of Education: ISCED 2011. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2011)

Training credit - Monitoring 2009 - 2022