* Encoding: UTF-8. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* *******************Harmonisierter Datensatz der BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigen-befragung (H-ETB) 2006, 2012 und 2018************************* *****************************************Codieren European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008)************************************************* **********************************aus der International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008*********************************************** *******************************************************Mit SUF-Variablen und ISCO08 der ETB 2006 nachbildbar************************************* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** * Herkunft: BIBB-FDZ IBM SPSS Statistics 25* Encoding: UTF-8. * Quellen: * Meron, Monique et al. (2014) * Final Report of the ESSnet on the harmonisation and implementation of a * European socio-economic classification: * European Socio-economic Groups (ESeG) * Links: * [0] https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/content/eseg-report-technicaldocuments_en * [1] https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/system/files/ESEG-Report-TechnicalAnnexes_0.zip_en * [2] https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/content/eseg_en Bohr, J. (2018). EU-AES Tools: Implementation of the European Socioeconomic Groups Classification (ESeG) using Adult Education Survey Microdata. (GESIS Papers, 2018/14). Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. * https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-57622-2. Stand:16.07.2019. **************************************************************************************************************************** *********************Recodieren der Variablen. * F100_isco08_2d=Erwerbsberuf ISCO08 2steller Stib= Wie ist Ihre berufliche Stellung in Ihrer Tätigkeit?. compute isco08 = F100_isco08_2d. recode isco08 (-96-95-94-93-92-91-90-62-61-60-55-54-53-52-51-50-34-33-32-31-30-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-1 =-1). execute. * Generating employment status variable * Family workers are defined as self-employed . compute sta = Stib. if (Stib = 4 or Stib = 5 or Stib = 6 or Stib = 7) sta = 1. if (Stib = 1 or Stib = 2 or Stib = 3 or Stib = 9) sta = 2 . if Stib=99 sta=-4. val labs sta 1 'self-employed' 2 'employed'. * F100_ESEG_1 = aggregated level . if ((isco08 >=11 and isco08 <=14) and (sta = 1 or sta = 2)) or (isco08 = 01 and sta = 2) F100_ESEG_1 = 1 . if ((isco08 >=21 and isco08 <=26) and (sta = 1 or sta = 2)) F100_ESEG_1 = 2 . if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=35) or (isco08 = 2)) and (sta = 2) F100_ESEG_1 = 3. if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=96) and sta = 1) F100_ESEG_1 = 4 . if ((isco08 >=41 and isco08 <=44) or (isco08 =53 or isco08 =54 or isco08 =3)) and (sta = 2) F100_ESEG_1 = 5 . if ((isco08 >=71 and isco08 <=83) and sta = 2) F100_ESEG_1 = 6. if ((isco08 =51 or isco08 =52) or (isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) or (isco08 >=91 and isco08 <=96)) and (sta = 2) F100_ESEG_1 = 7. * if missing(F100_isco08_2d) F100_ESEG_1 =$Sysmis. EXECUTE. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** * F100_ESEG_2 = detailed level * Definition *1 Managers *1.1 Higher managerial self-employed (ISCO 11, 12, 13 and status=se) *1.2 Lower managerial self-employed (ISCO 14 and status=se) *1.3 Higher managerial employees (ISCO 11, 12, 13 and 01 and status=e) *1.4 Lower managerial employees (ISCO 14 and status=e) */. if ((isco08 = 11 or isco08 = 12 or isco08 = 13) and sta = 1) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 11 . if ((isco08 = 14 and sta = 1) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 ) and (F100_ESEG_1 < 8)) F100_ESEG_2 = 12 . if (((isco08 = 01 or isco08 = 11 or isco08 = 12 or isco08 = 13) and sta =2) and F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 13. if ((isco08 = 14 and sta = 2) and F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 14. * Definition 2 Professionals 2.1 Science, engineering and information and communications technology (ICT) professionnals (ISCO 21,25) 2.2 Health professionals (ISCO 22) 2.3 Business and administration professionals (ISCO 24) 2.4 Legal, social and cultural professionals (ISCO 26) 2.5 Teaching professionals (ISCO 23) */. if (isco08 = 21 or isco08 = 25) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 21 . if (isco08 = 22) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 22 . if (isco08 = 24) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 23 . if (isco08 = 26) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 24 . if (isco08 = 23) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 25. * Definition 3 Technicians and associated professionals employees (status= e) 3.1 Science, engineering and ICT technicians and associated professionals (ISCO 31, 35) 3.2 Health associate professionals (ISCO 32) 3.3 Business and administration associate professionals (ISCO 33) 3.4 Legal, social and cultural associate professionals (ISCO 34) 3.5 Non-commissioned armed forces officers (ISCO 02 ) */. if ((isco08 = 31 or isco08 = 35) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 31. if (isco08 = 32 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 32 . if (isco08 = 33 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 33. if (isco08 = 34 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 34 . if (isco08 = 02 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 35 . * Definition 4 Small entrepreneurs (status= se) 4.1 Skilled agricultural self employed workers (ISCO 6) 4.2 Technicians, clerical support, services and sales self employed workers (ISCO 3, 4, 5) 4.3 Craft and related trades self employed workers (ISCO 7, 8, 9) */ if ((isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) and sta= 1) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 41. if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=54) and sta= 1) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 42 . if ((isco08 >=71 and isco08 <=96) and sta= 1) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 43 . * Definition 5 Clerks and skilled service workers (status=e) 5.1 General and numerical clerks and other clerical support employees (ISCO 41, 43, 44) 5.2 Customer services clerks (ISCO 42) 5.3 Personal care employees (ISCO 53) 5.4 Armed forced occupations and protective service employees (ISCO 03 and ISCO 54) */ if ((isco08 = 41 or isco08 = 43 or isco08 = 44) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 51. if (isco08 = 42 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 52. if (isco08 = 53 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 53. if ((isco08 = 03 or isco08 = 54) and sta= 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 54. * Definition 6 Industrial and agricultural employees (status= e) 6.1 Building and related trade employees (ISCO 71) 6.2 Food processing, wood working, garment employees (ISCO 75) 6.3 Metal, machinery, handicraft, printing, electrical and electronic trades employees (ISCO 72, 73, 74) 6.4 Stationary plant and machine operators and assemblers (ISCO 81, 82) 6.5 Drivers (ISCO 83) */ if (isco08 = 71 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 61 . if (isco08 = 75 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 62 . if ((isco08 =72 or isco08 = 73 or isco08 = 74) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 63 . if ((isco08 =81 or isco08 = 82) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 64 . if (isco08 = 83 and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 65 . * Definition 7 Less skilled workers (status= e) 7.1 Personal services and sales employees (ISCO 51, 52) 7.2 Blue collar employees and food preparation assistants in elementary occupations (ISCO 92, 93, 94, 96) 7.3 Cleaners and helpers and services employees in elementary occupations (ISCO 91, 95) 7.4 Agricultural employees (ISCO 6) */AND if ((isco08 = 51 or isco08 = 52) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 71. if ((isco08 = 92 or isco08 = 93 or isco08 = 94 or isco08 = 96) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 72 . if ((isco08 = 91 or isco08 = 95) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 73 . if ((isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) and sta = 2) and (F100_ESEG_1 > 0 and F100_ESEG_1 < 8) F100_ESEG_2 = 74 . if isco08=-4 F100_ESEG_2 = -4. if missing (F100_isco08_2d) F100_ESEG_2=$Sysmis. EXECUTE. DELETE VARIABLES isco08 sta. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Kathegorie 8+9 sind nicht in der ETB enthalten, bzw fallen zu den nicht zuordnenbaren (z.B. -34 Studenten) value labels F100_ESEG_1 -1 "Filter" -4 "nicht zuordenbar" 1 'Manager' 2 'Professionals' 3 'Technicians and associated professeional employees' 4 'Small entrepreneur' 5 'Clerks and skilled service employees' 6 'Industrial skilled employees' 7 'Less skilled employees' 8 'Retired persons and non-employed people >=65' 9 'Other non-employed persons aged < 65'. execute. value labels F100_ESEG_2 -1 "Filter" -4 "nicht zuordenbar" 11 "Higher managerial self-employed" 12 "Lower managerial self-employed" 13 "Higher managerial employees" 14 "Lower managerial employees" 21 "Science, engineering and information and communications technology (ICT) professionals" 22 "Health professionals" 23 "Business and administration professionals" 24 "Legal, social and cultural professionals" 25 "Teaching professionals" 31 "Science, engineering and ICT technicians and associated professionals" 32 "Health associate professionals" 33 "Business and administration associate professionals" 34 "Legal, social and cultural associate professionals" 35 "Non-commissioned armed forces officers" 41 "Skilled agricultural self-employed workers" 42 "Technicians, clerical support, services and sales self-employed workers" 43 "Craft and related trades self-employed workers" 51 "General and numerical clerks and other clerical support employees" 52 "Customer services clerks" 53 "Personal care employees" 54 "Armed forced occupations and protective service employees" 61 "Building and related trade employees" 62 "Food processing, wood working, garment employees" 63 "Metal, machinery, handicraft, printing, electrical and electronic trades employees" 64 "Stationary plant and machine operators and assemblers" 65 "Drivers" 71 "Personal services and sales employees" 72 "Blue collar employees and food preparation assistants in elementary occupations" 73 "Cleaners and helpers and services employees in elementary occupations" 74 "Agricultural employees" 81 "Retired Managers" 82 "Retired professionals" 83 "Retired technicians and associate professionals" 84 "Retired small entrepreneurs" 85 "Retired skilled white collars" 86 "Retired skilled blue-collars" 87 "Retired less skilled workers" 88 "Other inactive aged 65 or more" 91 "Students" 92 "Permanently disabled" 93 "Unemployed not elsewhere classified" 94 "Other inactive aged less than 65 years" . EXECUTE. DELETE VARIABLES isco08 sta. *************************************************Vater************************************************************************************************************************************************ * F1609_isco08_2d= Erwerbsberuf Vater ISCO08 2steller * F1611 In welcher beruflichen Stellung war Ihr Vater/Ihre Mutter tätig als Sie 15 Jahre. compute isco08 = F1609_isco08_2d. recode isco08 (-96-95-94-93-92-91-90-62-61-60-55-54-53-52-51-50-34-33-32-31-30-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-1 =-1). * Generating employment status variable //F1611=berufliche Stellung Vater bzw. Mutter. compute sta = F1611. if (F1611=3) sta = 1. if (F1611 = 1 or F1611 = 2 ) sta = 2 . if F1611=9 or F1611=8 sta=-4. val labs sta 1 'self-employed' 2 'employed'. * eseg_1 = aggregated level . * Assigning eseg to respondents with self-defined current economic status (PL031): self-employed, employed, unemployed, in compulsory military community or service. if ((isco08 >=11 and isco08 <=14) and (sta = 1 or sta = 2)) or (isco08 = 01 and sta = 2) F1609_ESEG_1 = 1 . if ((isco08 >=21 and isco08 <=26) and (sta = 1 or sta = 2)) F1609_ESEG_1 = 2 . if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=35) or (isco08 = 2)) and (sta = 2) F1609_ESEG_1 = 3. if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=96) and sta = 1) F1609_ESEG_1 = 4 . if ((isco08 >=41 and isco08 <=44) or (isco08 =53 or isco08 =54 or isco08 =3)) and (sta = 2) F1609_ESEG_1 = 5 . if ((isco08 >=71 and isco08 <=83) and sta = 2) F1609_ESEG_1 = 6. if ((isco08 =51 or isco08 =52) or (isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) or (isco08 >=91 and isco08 <=96)) and (sta = 2) F1609_ESEG_1 = 7. if isco08= -34 or isco08= -32 F1609_ESEG_1= 9. if isco08=-4 F1609_ESEG_1 = -4. execute. * eseg_2 = detailed level if ((isco08 = 11 or isco08 = 12 or isco08 = 13) and sta = 1) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 11 . if ((isco08 = 14 and sta = 1) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 ) and (F1609_ESEG_1 < 8)) F1609_ESEG_2 = 12 . if (((isco08 = 01 or isco08 = 11 or isco08 = 12 or isco08 = 13) and sta =2) and F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 13. if ((isco08 = 14 and sta = 2) and F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 14. if (isco08 = 21 or isco08 = 25) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 21 . if (isco08 = 22) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 22 . if (isco08 = 24) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 23 . if (isco08 = 26) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 24 . if (isco08 = 23) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 25. if ((isco08 = 31 or isco08 = 35) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 31. if (isco08 = 32 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 32 . if (isco08 = 33 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 33. if (isco08 = 34 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 34 . if (isco08 = 02 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 35 . if ((isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) and sta= 1) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 41. if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=54) and sta= 1) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 42 . if ((isco08 >=71 and isco08 <=96) and sta= 1) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 43 . if ((isco08 = 41 or isco08 = 43 or isco08 = 44) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 51. if (isco08 = 42 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 52. if (isco08 = 53 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 53. if ((isco08 = 03 or isco08 = 54) and sta= 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 54. if (isco08 = 71 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 61 . if (isco08 = 75 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 62 . if ((isco08 =72 or isco08 = 73 or isco08 = 74) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 63 . if ((isco08 =81 or isco08 = 82) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 64 . if (isco08 = 83 and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 65 . if ((isco08 = 51 or isco08 = 52) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 71. if ((isco08 = 92 or isco08 = 93 or isco08 = 94 or isco08 = 96) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 72 . if ((isco08 = 91 or isco08 = 95) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 73 . if ((isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) and sta = 2) and (F1609_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1609_ESEG_1 < 8) F1609_ESEG_2 = 74 . if missing(isco08) F1609_ESEG_2 = -4. if missing (F1609_isco08_2d) F1609_ESEG_2=$Sysmis. EXECUTE. DELETE VARIABLES isco08 sta. *************************************************Mutter************************************************************************************************************************************************ * F1610_isco08_2d= Erwerbsberuf Mutter ISCO08 2steller. * F1611 In welcher beruflichen Stellung war Ihr Vater/Ihre Mutter tätig als Sie 15 Jahre. compute isco08 = F1610_isco08_2d. recode isco08 isco08 (-96-95-94-93-92-91-90-62-61-60-55-54-53-52-51-50-34-33-32-31-30-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-1 =-1). * Generating employment status variable //F1611=berufliche Stellung Vater bzw. Mutter. compute sta = F1611. if (F1611=3) sta = 1. if (F1611 = 1 or F1611 = 2 ) sta = 2 . if F1611=9 or F1611=8 sta=-4. val labs sta 1 'self-employed' 2 'employed'. * eseg_1 = aggregated level . * Assigning eseg to respondents with self-defined current economic status : self-employed, employed, unemployed, in compulsory military community or service. if ((isco08 >=11 and isco08 <=14) and (sta = 1 or sta = 2)) or (isco08 = 01 and sta = 2) F1610_ESEG_1 = 1 . if ((isco08 >=21 and isco08 <=26) and (sta = 1 or sta = 2)) F1610_ESEG_1 = 2 . if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=35) or (isco08 = 2)) and (sta = 2) F1610_ESEG_1 = 3. if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=96) and sta = 1) F1610_ESEG_1 = 4 . if ((isco08 >=41 and isco08 <=44) or (isco08 =53 or isco08 =54 or isco08 =3)) and (sta = 2) F1610_ESEG_1 = 5 . if ((isco08 >=71 and isco08 <=83) and sta = 2) F1610_ESEG_1 = 6. if ((isco08 =51 or isco08 =52) or (isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) or (isco08 >=91 and isco08 <=96)) and (sta = 2) F1610_ESEG_1 = 7. if isco08= -34 or isco08= -32 F1610_ESEG_1= 9. if isco08=-4 F1610_ESEG_1 = -4. if missing (F1610_isco08_2d) F1610_ESEG_1=$Sysmis. Execute. * eseg_2 = detailed level if ((isco08 = 11 or isco08 = 12 or isco08 = 13) and sta = 1) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 11 . if ((isco08 = 14 and sta = 1) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 ) and (F1610_ESEG_1 < 8)) F1610_ESEG_2 = 12 . if (((isco08 = 01 or isco08 = 11 or isco08 = 12 or isco08 = 13) and sta =2) and F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 13. if ((isco08 = 14 and sta = 2) and F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 14. if (isco08 = 21 or isco08 = 25) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 21 . if (isco08 = 22) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 22 . if (isco08 = 24) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 23 . if (isco08 = 26) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 24 . if (isco08 = 23) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 25. if ((isco08 = 31 or isco08 = 35) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 31. if (isco08 = 32 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 32 . if (isco08 = 33 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 33. if (isco08 = 34 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 34 . if (isco08 = 02 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 35 . if ((isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) and sta= 1) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 41. if ((isco08 >=31 and isco08 <=54) and sta= 1) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 42 . if ((isco08 >=71 and isco08 <=96) and sta= 1) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 43 . if ((isco08 = 41 or isco08 = 43 or isco08 = 44) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 51. if (isco08 = 42 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 52. if (isco08 = 53 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 53. if ((isco08 = 03 or isco08 = 54) and sta= 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 54. if (isco08 = 71 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 61 . if (isco08 = 75 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 62 . if ((isco08 =72 or isco08 = 73 or isco08 = 74) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 63 . if ((isco08 =81 or isco08 = 82) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 64 . if (isco08 = 83 and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 65 . if ((isco08 = 51 or isco08 = 52) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 71. if ((isco08 = 92 or isco08 = 93 or isco08 = 94 or isco08 = 96) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 72 . if ((isco08 = 91 or isco08 = 95) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 73 . if ((isco08 >=61 and isco08 <=63) and sta = 2) and (F1610_ESEG_1 > 0 and F1610_ESEG_1 < 8) F1610_ESEG_2 = 74 . if missing(isco08) F1610_ESEG_2 = -4. if missing (F1610_isco08_2d) F1610_ESEG_2=$Sysmis. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Kathegorie 8+9 sind nicht in der ETB enthalten, bzw fallen zu den nicht zuordnenbaren (z.B. -34 Studenten) value labels F1609_ESEG_1 F1610_ESEG_1 F100_ESEG_1 -1 "Filter" -4 "nicht zuordenbar" 1 'Manager' 2 'Professionals' 3 'Technicians and associated professeional employees' 4 'Small entrepreneur' 5 'Clerks and skilled service employees' 6 'Industrial skilled employees' 7 'Less skilled employees' 8 'Retired persons and non-employed people >=65' 9 'Other non-employed persons aged < 65'. execute. value labels F1609_ESEG_2 F1610_ESEG_2 F100_ESEG_2 -1 "Filter" -4 "nicht zuordenbar" 11 "Higher managerial self-employed" 12 "Lower managerial self-employed" 13 "Higher managerial employees" 14 "Lower managerial employees" 21 "Science, engineering and information and communications technology (ICT) professionals" 22 "Health professionals" 23 "Business and administration professionals" 24 "Legal, social and cultural professionals" 25 "Teaching professionals" 31 "Science, engineering and ICT technicians and associated professionals" 32 "Health associate professionals" 33 "Business and administration associate professionals" 34 "Legal, social and cultural associate professionals" 35 "Non-commissioned armed forces officers" 41 "Skilled agricultural self-employed workers" 42 "Technicians, clerical support, services and sales self-employed workers" 43 "Craft and related trades self-employed workers" 51 "General and numerical clerks and other clerical support employees" 52 "Customer services clerks" 53 "Personal care employees" 54 "Armed forced occupations and protective service employees" 61 "Building and related trade employees" 62 "Food processing, wood working, garment employees" 63 "Metal, machinery, handicraft, printing, electrical and electronic trades employees" 64 "Stationary plant and machine operators and assemblers" 65 "Drivers" 71 "Personal services and sales employees" 72 "Blue collar employees and food preparation assistants in elementary occupations" 73 "Cleaners and helpers and services employees in elementary occupations" 74 "Agricultural employees" 81 "Retired Managers" 82 "Retired professionals" 83 "Retired technicians and associate professionals" 84 "Retired small entrepreneurs" 85 "Retired skilled white collars" 86 "Retired skilled blue-collars" 87 "Retired less skilled workers" 88 "Other inactive aged 65 or more" 91 "Students" 92 "Permanently disabled" 93 "Unemployed not elsewhere classified" 94 "Other inactive aged less than 65 years" . EXECUTE. DELETE VARIABLES isco08 sta. VARIABLE LABELS F1609_ESEG_1 "Hauptgruppen, European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008), Vater"/ F1610_ESEG_1 "Hauptgruppen, European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008), Mutter, "/ F100_ESEG_1 "Hauptgruppen, European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008), Erwerbstätige" /F1609_ESEG_2 "Untergruppen, European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008), Vater"/ F1610_ESEG_2 "Untergruppen, European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008), Mutter"/ F100_ESEG_2 "Untergruppen, European Socio-Economic Groups (ESEG 2008), Erwerbstätiger". EXECUTE.