**************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************************** *******************BIBB-IAB-Erwerbstätigenbefragungen 1985/86********************************* ****Bilden der variable für die International Standard Classification of Education*1997*** ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** /* Herkunft: BIBB-FDZ Stataversion: 12.0 MP Quelle: Schroedter, J. H., Lechert, Y., und Lüttinger, P., (2006): Die Umsetzung der Bildungsskala ISCED-1997 für die volkszählung 1970, die Mikrozensus-Zusatzerhebung 1971 und die Mikrozensen 1976-2004. GESIS. ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** *********************Recodieren der variablen. */ ****************************************************************************************** gen deg=0. replace deg=1 if v133==1 | v133==2 |v146==1 | v147==1 | v148==1 | v151==1 replace deg=2 if v152<4 replace deg=3 if v151==1 | v149==1 | v150==1 gen isced=. replace isced = 2 if v131==2 replace isced = 3 if v131==3 replace isced = 4 if deg==1 replace isced = 5 if v131==4 | v131==5 replace isced = 6 if deg==1 & (v131==5 | v3==4 ) replace isced = 7 if deg==2 replace isced = 8 if deg==3 *****************labeln #delimit ; label define isced -9 "keine Angabe" -8 "weiß nicht" -7 "trifft nicht zu" -6 "ungültig" -5 "verweigert" -4 "not classifiable" -1 "Filter" 0 "0 Pre-primary education / Kindergarten" 1 "1 Primary education on first stage of basic education / Grundschule" 2 "2b Lower secondary education / Hauptschule" 3 "2a Lower secondary education / Mittlere Reife" 4 "3b Upper secondary education / Abschulss berufl. Ausbildung" 5 "3a Upper secondary education / Fach-|Hochschulreife" 6 "4a Post secondary non tertiary education / Abi + berufl. Ausbildung" 7 "5b First stage of tertiary education / Meister|Techniker" 8 "5a First stage of tertiary education / Uni FH Abschluss" 9 "6 Second stage of tertiary education / Promotion"; #delimit cr label value isced isced label var isced "ISCED 97"